Get to know the tax advantages to establish yourself in Gran Canaria

Informe ventajas fiscales en Gran Canaria

The Economic Promotion Society of Gran Canaria has prepared a report on the tax regime and the advantages in this area that entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs will find in Gran Canaria. The document, prepared both in Spanish and in English under the umbrella of the Best in Gran Canaria initiative, aims to be a support to companies and entrepreneurs who are studying the possibility of settling professionally on the island.

The report ‘Tax system and advantages in Gran Canaria‘ explains in detail the Tax Regime of the companies that operate in Gran Canaria and, within it, the specificities for the resident entities, the Corporate Income Tax and the retentions in the Canary Islands. It also pays special attention to the Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC) tax regime, as well as to other types of taxes such as the Canary Islands General Indirect Tax (IGIC), customs duties (AIEM) and the Duty Free Zone.

The document also offers a wide explanation about the special taxes existing in the Canary Islands, given its status as a European customs territory, although not from the territory of
application of VAT. Thus, the report delves into the application of the Business and profesional activities Tax, as well as the Transfer Tax and the Stamp duty.

On the other hand, the document dedicates a chapter to the taxation of individual persons who move their fiscal residence to Spain, and another to Social Security, since all employers, employees and self-employed, etc. who work in Gran Canaria must be registered in the Spanish Social Security system.