The 2021 call for ‘Innova Invest Program’ has been published
The 2021 call for ‘Innova Invest Program’ has been published on Thursday 25th. This support is managed by ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones through INVEST IN SPAIN, focused on subsidizing investment projects in Spain of foreign companies with a high R&D component seeking to enhance competitiveness and productivity of the Spanish economy.
In addition, these supports promote the integration of the beneficiary institutions in the national productive and research fabric.
The maximum period for developing these projects will be 24 months. And the support may be extended to 70% in small industrial research companies projects with an upper limit of 800,000 euros per individual beneficiary. Projects must have, among others, foreign participation of at least 50% of its capital stock.
The budget allocated to the present 2021 call comes to 5,000,000 euros and will be financed from the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
The call for proposals is open for two months for the submission of applications.
SPEGC offers consultancy to companies interested in the present call.
The information can be accessed through the following link.